972,968 successful calculations to date

Age Calculator - How Old Am I?

Discover your exact age in an instant with our user-friendly age calculator! Whether you're curious about how many days you've lived, planning a special milestone, or simply want to know your precise age, our age calculator is here to help. Enter your birthdate, and let us do the rest!

Date Of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Comparison Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Just for Fun?
Tick to calculate what your age will be on this day in the year:
2050    2100    2000    (Undo)

How to calculate your age

1. Enter Your Birthdate: Use our easy-to-navigate input fields above to enter your birthdate.
2. Click Calculate: Hit the calculate button to instantly find out your age.
3. View Your Results: See your age displayed in years, months & days!

Our top 10 ways to a longer life

1: Exercise 3 times a week, even if it's just a brisk walk
2. Consume a healthy & balanced diet
3. Lift weights
4. Drink in moderation
5. Get a pet
6. Quit smoking
7. Keep your brain stimulated
8. Spend time with friends and family
9. Keep an eye on your blood pressure
10. Avoid stress
Tips adapted from research by Harvard

Frequently asked questions

How accurate is the age calculator?
Our age calculator uses precise algorithms to ensure your age is calculated accurately based on the information you provide.

Can I use this calculator for future dates?
Yes, you can use our age calculator to find out how old you will be on a specific future date. This feature is perfect for planning milestone birthdays or anniversaries.

What is age?
Age is a measure of the length of time that a person, animal, or object has existed. It is typically expressed in years, months, and days for living beings, indicating the duration since their birth or creation. Age is a fundamental concept used to track the passage of time, determine developmental milestones, and understand growth and aging processes.

For humans, age can influence various aspects of life, including physical health, social roles, legal rights, and cultural traditions. It is a key factor in many decisions, such as education, employment, and retirement planning.

By understanding age, individuals can better navigate life stages, celebrate achievements, and plan for future events. Whether you're tracking your own age, calculating milestones, or exploring the concept of aging, age is an essential part of human experience and history.