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Miles to Kilometers Calculator

Calculate miles to kilometers, or mph to kph using our simple no frills calculator. Simply enter the distance or speed and what you want it converted to and we'll do the rest!

Distance or Speed
 Convert miles / mph to kilometers / kph
 Convert kilometers/kph to miles / mph

How do I convert miles to km

You can convert miles to km easily with a calculator simply, just multiplying your mileage by 1.609344 (or 1.6 for a slightly less accurate answer)

How do I convert kilometers to miles

You can convert kilometers to miles buy multiplying your distance in kilometers by 0.62137 (or 0.6 for a slightly less accurate answer)

Why doesn't everyone use the same measurement of distance?

This all comes down to whether any given country/government uses the metric or imperial system, for example on Europe's roads and motorways you will see distances in kilometers, however in the UK its miles (and drivers use opposite sides of the road!)